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EMS: Risks - Industry-Related & External Activities

As part of the EMS process, oyster farmers undertook a risk assessment in which industry related and external risks were identified and prioritised. While the characteristics of the estuaries vary, many of the risks were common.  Farmers developed action plans to address high-risk activities impacting on sustainability.

Oyster farmers are now working to manage high-risk activities through the following actions:

Improving Infrastructure

Upgrading oyster cultivation infrastructure and equipment to more environmentally friendly technologies, maintaining leases and shed areas, and reusing, recycling or disposing of old infrastructure and waste material appropriately.

Best-Practice Cultivation

Adopting best practice cultivation methods to ensure that the oysters are not overstocked so as to minimise potential impact on the sediment under farms.


with other farmers

Communication with Community

Improving Roads and Run-off

Improving communication between growers in order to combine effort and strategies for improving product value, community education and marketing.

Improving communication with the local community and other stakeholders to increase awareness of the nature of the oyster industry and its role in environmental management.


Appropriately managing and maintaining unsealed roads in the catchment to reduce run-off and sedimentation of the waterways.

Minimising Pollution

Monitoring Change

Minimising Damage

Reducing Boat Wash

Increasing Environmental Awareness

Minimising occurrence of raw sewage pollution (septic tanks and private camping), increased nutrient loads (horticultural and agricultural products) and fine sediments in run-off (from forestry activities, land clearing and urbanisation) in order to maintain/improve water quality.


Monitoring hydrological changes including changes at the lake’s entrance.


Minimising the mooring on oyster leases by recreational fishers and lake users, an activity that damages infrastructure.

Reducing boat wash from large boats which results in shore erosion thus impacting on fragile cultural heritage sites as well as oyster growing infrastructure.


Increasing awareness and monitoring of environmental changes due to climate change.

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